My name is C Bar S Piper - you can call me Piper
I was born July 2021 and became a member of my forever home in September 2021. I am a gorgeous red head with a wavy fleece super soft coat. I have been health checked, poked and prodded more than I care to share here. We know that I am healthy, have excellent genetics, excellent hips & elbows and a totally incredible disposition. I am a very happy girl and love to play with my family and sisters Ruby & Lucy. My favorite thing to do is to go to work with my Mom and Dad every day! I LOVE to play and especially love to fetch and will carry my toys around wherever I go. I run fast and jump far - they say I would be great in agility but I also love my naps! I'm smart, easy to train and very sweet and most of all I love my ponytails. ❤️
Size: Medium Hips: OFA Excellent
Color: Red Elbows: OFA Normal
Coat: Fleece Eyes: OFA Clear